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Email and direct mail campaigns

Solo and Group Emails

Customer Loyalty Programs which include:  Special Event Notifications, Targeted Emails, Direct Mail, Email Campaigns, and Scheduled Emails

One of the best ways to engage with your customers is through email.   Emails give people a reminder of what you want them to do.   EMAIL is particular effective when scheduled on a regular basis.  DBG Loyalty’s programs allow consumers to opt in the the schedule and type of emails they want to receive.  Regular consistent communication with customers is a must in your loyalty program plan.  As you work to develop your marketing plan and marketing strategy all aspects must be considered.  Social media, emails, text, online, and mobile communication are all equally important.

Our marketing engagement program will focus on the best way to gain customer interaction.

DBG Loyalty is a leading innovator in loyalty and rewards marketing. DBG was founded in 2002 because the industry was looking for a trusted technology leader who could develop and establish consumer loyalty programs. DBG has customer relationships which span from the time of inception.

DBG Loyalty

DBG Loyalty

DBG Loyalty is a leading innovator in loyalty and rewards marketing. DBG was founded in 2002 because the industry was looking for a trusted technology leader who could develop and establish consumer loyalty programs. DBG has customer relationships which span from the time of inception.
DBG Loyalty
Samples of a solo and group email

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