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Customer Loyalty Programs engage through Facebook  and Social Media Advertising

Consumers engage through a variety of tools including social media.   Today’s consumers expect instant gratification by being able to take advantage of offers and deals immediately.   The Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Linkedin solutions are great tools for pushing short term offers, checking the pulse of your consumer base, and notifications.

We manage social media through branded solutions which match your program not your company brand.  This allows you to promote specific offers related to your loyalty program without impacting your over all brand.

Merchants provide unique offers by program on a short-term basis.  The best place to display those offers is through social media and mobile.



DBG Loyalty is a leading innovator in loyalty and rewards marketing. DBG was founded in 2002 because the industry was looking for a trusted technology leader who could develop and establish consumer loyalty programs. DBG has customer relationships which span from the time of inception.

DBG Loyalty

DBG Loyalty

DBG Loyalty is a leading innovator in loyalty and rewards marketing. DBG was founded in 2002 because the industry was looking for a trusted technology leader who could develop and establish consumer loyalty programs. DBG has customer relationships which span from the time of inception.
DBG Loyalty
Sample of a facebook advertisement

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