Video in Marketing

Is There A Place For B-Rated Video In Your Marketing Plan?

The better question is actually, “Is there a place for any video in your marketing strategy?” Considering the fact that YouTube is the number two search engine on the Internet, and from the fact that engagement on social media and emails have a 60% higher open rate than a post or email with images or text, it is very important to take video into account in your marketing plan. With that said, I think we have to say the answer is “yes.”

Video in Marketing

If you break down the demographic of online video watchers, the reality is every age bracket is watching. Considering the top viewed videos online, you can see why. “How-to” videos are among the highest watched. You can literally learn about everything now. “How-to videos” are followed by Christian videos, cat videos, and baby videos. Is it isn’t difficult to figure out why. “How-to” videos show us how to do things. “How-to” content is rich with the topics viewers are looking for. Not only do how-to videos contain the content and information viewers are looking for, they are likely to be watched until the end.

Video Content That Resonates

Christians have done an exceptional job using video, but again, it is in large part due to content. There are masses who want to view sermons and Christian content online. As for babies and cats, who doesn’t love a cute baby or kitten video? I think what this teaches us is that content needs to be relevant or your video needs to hit an emotional accord. We watch babies because they make us laugh and feel good.

Viral Videos

The magic answer isn’t simple. People send me videos all the time that I don’t connect with. It is hard to predict exactly what is going to connect with someone. If we could predict the winners, we would all create videos with Christians, cats and babies and call it a day. All kidding aside, I am not sure I believe in the “viral video” anymore. There are many thousands of dollars and months of planning spent on creating B-rated videos. Once the video is created, they get optimized and boosted with paid services. If your budget allows you to buy a million views, then your chances of getting another million views organically definitely improves.

We are a culture of followers, and we do and like what other people do. I think of the Dollar Shave Club in this situation. Their popular YouTube video didn’t particularly resonate with me. It did, however, connect with some of the 30’s-40’s guys in my office. They all shared it, watched it together, and ultimately became members. The Dollar Shave Club video was intended to be light-hearted and fun.  I think the video clearly conveys the goals for the company. They want you to join the club, you can see that others are doing it, you can save a bunch of money, and you will always have razors on hand. They focused the video to appeal to a target audience, they provided helpful information, told the audience how they could benefit, and closed it with a “thank you.”

Adding Video to Your Marketing Strategy

When you consider adding video to your marketing strategy, consider the following:

  1. Focus your target audience.
  2. Provide meaningful messaging that is relevant to your target audience.
  3. Solve a problem for your audience.
  4. Know what the value will be for your audience.
  5. Be gracious and thank your viewers for watching.
  6. Give your viewers a voice to comment and provide reviews of your video.
  7. Always include visual branding or a pre-roll and post-roll on your video.

DBG Loyalty is a leading innovator in loyalty and rewards marketing. DBG was founded in 2002 because the industry was looking for a trusted technology leader who could develop and establish consumer loyalty programs. DBG has customer relationships which span from the time of inception.

Linda Butcher

Linda Butcher

Linda Butcher is the Chief Business Development Officer at DBG Loyalty, where she heads strategy and sales. Linda has extensive experience in consumer engagement through social media, marketing,
and loyalty solutions.

Linda Butcher

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