Why Google Analytics is the 51st Shade of Grey (Part 2)
Why Google Analytics is the 51st Shade of Grey (Part 2) Last time, we touched on the highlights of Google Analytics’ service offerings: Google Analytics Reports Google Analytics Dashboards Users Flow Demographics In this blog, we will deep dive into more areas of Google Analytics to show you just how much you can learn about your customers. Before we get started, it would be prudent of me to point out that collecting data about your Read more …
Why Google Analytics Is The 51st Shade of Grey
Why Google Analytics Is The 51st Shade of Grey Consumers come in all sizes and shapes. People come from all walks of life. They talk, look, and think differently. As such, they also approach buying decisions differently. Some are driven by emotion; others make objective, fact-based decisions; still others make impulsive ones. One-size marketing solutions don’t fit all. It’s like playing pin the tail on the donkey. In a dizzy, disoriented state, you may hit Read more …