Is 1% Cash Back Enough for Anyone to Really Care?
Is 1% Cash Back Enough for Anyone to Really Care? I think we can all agree that 1% cash back only matters to people when they are about to make a large purchase; otherwise, it isn’t enough to change a behavior unless it is combined with something else. We know from our surveys and program stats that cash is king. When customers have a choice, cash is the number one redemption option. It really doesn’t Read more …
Merchant-Funded Malls Are Better Than Ever
Merchant-Funded Malls Are Better Than Ever I often speak with companies whose merchant-funded malls have not worked as well as they would have hoped. They are at a loss as to why that is. They tell me things like people just don’t want to use these types of programs anymore or that their customers tell them it is too hard to find what they want. Others complain about lost tracking or members clicking out to Read more …
New Loyalty Program … Build It and They Will Earn
New Loyalty Program … Build It and They Will Earn Wouldn’t it be nice if it were really that easy? Awhile back, I was on LinkedIn reading posts in some of the customer loyalty program groups. I came upon a question being asked about how to get more people to sign up for a loyalty program. The reason this particular question grabbed my attention was because of who posed the question. I did not know the person, Read more …
Customer Loyalty For Convenience Vs. Emotional Customer Loyalty
Customer Loyalty For Convenience Vs. Emotional Customer Loyalty A solid customer loyalty solution gives its consumers and merchants the valuable edge in the competitive marketplace for earning, enjoying deals, sharing, and playing. A good customer loyalty solution has to stay one step ahead of the ever changing market. It requires business strategy for foraging a revolutionary platform; the business strategy is far more involved than simply creating a cash back program or offering coupons. Loyalty comes Read more …