Why Do Customer Loyalty Programs Fail?
Why Do Customer Loyalty Programs Fail? Engagement is the life blood of any loyalty program. The higher the engagement, the better your program looks to those from the outside. You could hire consultant after consultant and do focus groups all day and night to build the greatest program ever. Next, you could spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to build this shrine to loyalty. Imagine, you get excited as the launch grows near. You are about Read more …
Customer Loyalty Programs for Healthcare
Customer Loyalty Programs for Healthcare Loyalty programs for healthcare should be simple. Patients are customers. They want the same perks and benefits that any customer wants. Patients are no different than our retail counterpart’s customers. They are demanding. They have high expectations and they expect something for free. Using customer loyalty and rewards programs to increase compliance, improve health, improve satisfaction, save money, and increase revenue should be a no brainer. We should always be Read more …
Merchant-Funded Malls Are Better Than Ever
Merchant-Funded Malls Are Better Than Ever I often speak with companies whose merchant-funded malls have not worked as well as they would have hoped. They are at a loss as to why that is. They tell me things like people just don’t want to use these types of programs anymore or that their customers tell them it is too hard to find what they want. Others complain about lost tracking or members clicking out to Read more …
Does It Pay to be Loyal to Your Company?
Does It Pay to be Loyal to Your Company? Welcome to 2015. I know we are halfway done with the year, but today is a new day. We have come to a point in the war for consumer loyalty that a good product, fair price, and friendly service are no longer enough. Consumer Benefits These days, everyone now has a loyalty program and most of them look the same. Most people I talk with would not Read more …
What Is Your Budget?
What Is Your Budget? This is a question that gets asked in some form in just about every sales conversation. Sometimes the question is never asked. A good consultant will always ask. I know it is uncomfortable to ask, but it is something that must be asked. Even though it can be hard to say, it is one question that should always be asked. My wife watches a ton of HGTV. She is always complaining about the Read more …
Technology Vendors: Can’t Live With Them, Can’t Live Without Them
Technology Vendors: Can’t Live With Them, Can’t Live Without Them You want to freshen your loyalty program but you are already spending too much time managing your technology vendors. In the age of specialization, every move you make seems to need yet another vendor to help you navigate it. Vendor A built the base platform, Vendor B helps with an “earn” platform, and Vendor C helps with redemption. That does not even take into account Read more …
Customer Loyalty … Not All Customers Are Created Equal
Customer Loyalty … Not All Customers Are Created Equal We know that not all customers are created equal. Some customers are loyal to brands, while others are only looking for the lowest price possible. Some customers want to shop around and find the best deal for themselves. Others want someone to show them the best deal. Many want to be left alone, while others want to be communicated with frequently. Even with this knowledge, many Read more …
New Loyalty Program … Build It and They Will Earn
New Loyalty Program … Build It and They Will Earn Wouldn’t it be nice if it were really that easy? Awhile back, I was on LinkedIn reading posts in some of the customer loyalty program groups. I came upon a question being asked about how to get more people to sign up for a loyalty program. The reason this particular question grabbed my attention was because of who posed the question. I did not know the person, Read more …
Customer Loyalty Program and Marketing Plan – 2015
Customer Loyalty Program and Marketing Plan Strategy – 2015 How can corporate executives be this wrong about customer loyalty? I did a presentation a few weeks ago, and one of the stats I used made reference to the enormous disconnect between corporate executives and the customer experience as it relates to their brand. As we talk about Customer and Loyalty your marketing plan must consider not only technology, but also customer satisfaction, customer communications, and Read more …
Loyalty Program Best Practices 2015
Thinking an out-of-the-box customer loyalty program will meet all your needs is a misnomer. Just because companies have a loyalty program does not mean it will meet the needs of your company and be a fit for your customers. Establish the goals for your program Establish a budget Establish a timeframe Determine a strategy for finding a loyalty solution provider The most successful loyalty programs use stats and information provided by your customers. You will find it Read more …