Big Data and Loyalty
Big Data and Loyalty By Linda Butcher, Chief Business Development Officer We’re all collecting data on our customers. We know all about their behavior, age, income, geography. We know the products they use, how they search, their payment source, sex, nationality, email, source, brand, spend, and the list goes on. But what does it actually tell us? Can you really change behavior by looking at analytics? Data Offers Profiles, not Predictions What the data does Read more …
Is a Simple Thank You Enough?
Is a simple Thank You enough? We have all gone crazy over the next best thing, analytics, predictive tracking, integrations, wonder widgets, and behavior modification. Does it really matter, and can we actually make changes in customer behavior through these tools? Could it be as simple as saying “Thank You”? We know from all of our surveys that a customer is likely to change brands or services because of service or lack thereof. If a Read more …