Is There A Place For B-Rated Video In Your Marketing Plan?
Is There A Place For B-Rated Video In Your Marketing Plan? The better question is actually, “Is there a place for any video in your marketing strategy?” Considering the fact that YouTube is the number two search engine on the Internet, and from the fact that engagement on social media and emails have a 60% higher open rate than a post or email with images or text, it is very important to take video into account Read more …
My YouTube Video Beat Up Your Social Media
My YouTube Video Beat Up Your Social Media So many people responded to my quick post online about YouTube beating up social media that I thought I would write an update about it. DBG has been using video in marketing for quite awhile. DBG Loyalty is a software platform; however, the component of our solutions that really get things going are the engagement tools. You have to engage with people through the device and media Read more …
2015 Tech Trends
2015 Tech Trends DBG is facing the 2015 technology challenges head on. The DBG Loyalty platform is a very dynamic marketing tool which gives your program multiple engagement opportunities. If your program doesn’t include social, mobile, and presumption marketing … then you are behind. 1008
Going Back to the Basics of Loyalty Marketing
Going Back to the Basics of Loyalty Marketing A client recently asked us if we had “always on any time offers.” That was their qualifying and most important feature for the new loyalty program they are creating. “Any time offers” are offers that a merchant gives that are an offer to anyone for anytime. Now, I love to take advantage of these offers, they are kind of like free money; however, what they don’t do is Read more …
Merchant-Funded Rewards Trends For 2015
Merchant-Funded Rewards Trends For 2015 Customers are embracing new channels, and they want proactive, triggered engagement through connected devices. It is all too easy for customers to feel lost in the crowd and unappreciated. It is very important to recognize and reward your valued customers as individuals. If your merchant-funded rewards program is flat or losing traction, a strong, strategic communication plan is your next step. DBG Loyalty Merchant-Funded Rewards solutions are scalable, configurable, and Read more …
Join Us at Tech Trends in Retail 2015
Join Us at Tech Trends in Retail 2015 Thursday, April 9, 1:30pm to 5pm Magnolia Hotel, Pegasus Grand Ballroom DBG Loyalty is presenting at Tech Trends 2015 Retail Event. The topic of the discussion will be: Engage Your Customers at Every Level, New Technology Trends. The focus of the discussion will be on integrating your technology platform with a well-developed communication plan that includes email, social messaging, mobile messaging, online, and direct mail campaigns. Read more …
What is the Value of a Customer Loyalty Point?
What is the Value of a Customer Loyalty Point? If you want to put a dollar value on a loyalty point, it is from .4 cents to 2 cents, depending on the program. While a monetary way is one way to look at the value, it is not the only one. As a child, I would often ask my father how much something was worth. His answer was almost always the same. He would say Read more …
The Personal Touch in Customer Loyalty
The Personal Touch in Customer Loyalty Does your customer loyalty program really keep your customers loyal? I can’t tell you how many people I talk to who have inherited a customer loyalty program and don’t know how the program works. They also don’t know how much they are spending on it or if they are getting the results they want. Crazy, you say? It is the industry standard for customer loyalty programs. Expected, Not Appreciated The industry Read more …
Does 1.5% Cash Back Really Matter?
Does 1.5% Cash Back Really Matter? Are your customers using your program because they get 1.5% cash back or is 1.5% cash back just a perk that customers automatically expect from your customer loyalty program? The question comes up quite often in the customer loyalty industry. It seems almost every customer loyalty program now has a cash back solution that offers between 1%-5% cash back. The debate of the day is whether 1.5% cash back is Read more …
Targeting Consumer Behavior
Targeting Consumer Behavior Targeting consumer behavior, target marketing, consumer specific deals and behavior-driven offers are all part of DBG Loyalty’s analytic engagement tool. Targeting customer behavior with relevant offers is the framework for the strategic algorithm behind DBG Loyalty’s proprietary behavior-targeting analytics engine. Unpredictable Customers Let’s face it, customers are unpredictable. A single negative incident, too many emails, or even the wrong email can be enough to drive a long-term customer away. Although, at the same time Read more …